12 modern names for babies derived from lord Ganesh holy names

Do you wish your baby getting a supreme power of Lord Ganesha Did you know how many names of Ganesha is present to choose? Our website has more around 1000 Ganesha names along with the meaning. You can now choose the best one according to the numerological sequence and the birth star. Lord Ganesha is famous for his wisdom and intellect.  Before starting any occasion, prayer is offered to Vinayaka to remove all obstacles that come in the way. Even when you are choosing a name for your baby boy, try out one of the names of Lord Ganesha. This will bring wisdom and intellect to the baby.  You can find many more names meaning lord Ganesha for baby boy.

Modern  baby names inspired by  Lord Ganesha names


It is one of the names inspired by of the Lord Ganesha which means ‘the goal of devas’. If you are thinking of presenting your lord Ganesha names for baby boy with spiritual power, Gacchhu  or Gacchhatae should be the name to be chosen. It speaks about actual objectives of the God. You can get 1000 names of lord Ganesha for baby boy. If you face any difficulty in choosing the right name, speak to us and get the solution.


Lord Ganesha has several names among which you can choose and make your baby boy adopt one. This baby name is inspired from Lord Ganesh’s name Gachha Guravae.  You can refer all the  1000 names of lord Ganesha with  meaning.  Gachha Guravae means the actual mentor or guide of the celestial. Since Lord Ganesha is known for his wit, he can give advice to everyone In this Universe.


Your baby name must be selected with an advice of astrologers. But, our website with several names of Lord Ganesha can also be of your help. Gaccha Paraya is one of the names of Sri Ganapati which has an inner meaning.The baby name ‘Gapa’ has been inspired from this name of Lord Ganesha. There was a story where little Ganesha was asked by his parents ‘Lord Shiv and Parvati’ to take a round of the whole world and come back.

He was so intelligent that, instead of actually going around the earth, he took around around his parents and said his task is complete as his parents are supreme power to run the world. It means taking a round of the celestial.  From then his name was Gaccha Paraya, ‘who moves among the celestials’. The modern Ganesha names for baby boy are present to be displayed.


Another name to be quoted for your baby boy names of lord Ganesha is Datrae. Gacchadatrae is the Lord Ganesha name inspired to form your baby name, Datrae. It is also one of the names with which we call up Lord Ganesha. Little Ganesha was always positive minded. He never had any negative thought.  This is the reason he is called as the supporter of the celestial. The lord Ganesh names for the baby boy is about to be displayed once you visit our website.


Lord Ganesha also has Love towards every human being and living being existing in this celestial. The meaning of another name of Ganesha, Gacchapriyaya is love towards the entire celestial. This name will inspire your baby boy in future and he will develop love towards mankind and living beings. You can get Ganesh name meaning from our website. Priyay is the baby girl or baby boy name for you.


If you are looking for a short name but that must contain inspiration from Lord Ganesha, Gachhaya must be one of the names to be chosen. Chhaya can be the baby girl name inspired from Lord Ganesha’s name Gachhaya. It means the head of celestial. You can get lord Ganesh names for baby girl from here.

Kaya (Gadadambara Khandakaya)

Lord Ganesha is associated with a variety of surprising events. He played a wonderful role in giving the lesson to Demon Gada as stated in Hindu mythology. With the inspiration of the incident, a name for quoted for him is Kaya. The meaning of the name is ‘destroyer of demon Gada’s arrogance’. The Ganesh names for baby girl can be easily found on Indian hindu Baby website.


Another short name of Lord Ganesha is at the display. If you are looking for a short name for your baby boy, Gadajnaya can be a suitable word. The meaning of the name is ‘strength in the body’. Lord Ganesha is also known for strong build and power with regards to his body. Modern Ganesha names for the baby boy can be chosen as Ajnaya.


Did you know that Lord Ganesha is a deep lover? Even for getting back lost love people does worship Lord Ganesha. The name, Gadanuragaya plays an important role over here. Anuragaya is the modern name for the baby girl or baby boy inspired by this Lord Ganesha name. You can also make your child adopt this name of Lord Ganesha which would mean ‘deep lover.’


You must have known about the Little Lord Ganesha’s history where he has to sacrifice his head. But, he was soon saved with the head of a little elephant. This is the reason why he is known as elephant god.  You can also think of deciding your baby boy name as Gajachhadmanae which means ‘The elephant mask.’ Adman is the short and sweet name kept for your baby boy.


You must not have the origin of Lord Ganesha. Let me let you know that Ganesha has a name, Gajagrasthaya which means ‘ancient among the devas’. It means Lord Ganesha is the oldest God among all the god and Goddesses. You can approach us for more queries. You can shorten the Lord Ganesha’s name as Jagratha.


You can take another name for your baby boy who has just born. Yes, this is the other name for Lord Ganesha, Galadarchishae. This means Lord Ganesha is worshiped by the universal energy.  Darchis is the short baby boy name Inspired by Lord Ganesha.

The post 12 modern names for babies derived from lord Ganesh holy names appeared first on Indian hindu baby.


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