Baby naming ceremony in different Indian cultures

Namkaran is the occasion where you have the opportunity to decide your baby name.  The ceremony has a high significance as namakaran means giving an identity to a child.  Parents invite their relatives, neighbours and well-wishers to stay present during Baby naming ceremony and extend their blessings to the new born. But, baby names are not just quoted randomly. Rather, it requires astrological interference. Hindu naming ceremony must be conducted based on baby’s birth star and the position of planets and stars at the time of his birth.

Baby naming ceremony indian cultures

Different cultures of traditional baby naming ceremony

Do you belong to eastern part of India or south? Are you a resident of states like Tamil Nadu, Andhra etc? Are you a Bengali residing in west Bengal? You all must have different customs related to Baby naming ceremony. Let us explore the custom and tradition of Namkaran in various parts of India. In some parts of the nation, the Hindu naming ceremony takes place in 12th day after birth where as in other parts it is done in 101 days. Even in some parts of nation, the Ceremony for baby names is conducted in 21st day.

Baby naming ceremony in Tamil Nadu

Naming is done just after two weeks of your baby’s Birth. It is also known as the Thottil Ceremony. Medium class family hold a small function but, Tamil Brahmin goes for elaborate rituals. This ceremony is very vital for all the new born babies. If you have still not decided the name of your baby, its time.  You can now get a list of Tamil baby names from Indian Hindu Baby site.

Bengali baby naming ceremony

Bengalis also celebrates the Namkaran ceremony with a bang and boost. If you are a Bengali, you must know how sincerely the Bengalis performs the naming ceremony.  Bengali baby naming ceremony has a wider importance as they believes that that name defines the personality and the character of a baby.  Bengali has a unique custom of putting names under each lighted diyas. The diya which will stay without going off till the last should be taken as the best name for baby. You can now get a list of Bengali baby boy and girl names from Indian Hindu Baby site.

Baby naming ceremony in Andhra

The  ceremony in Andhra is also known as Barasala or Namakarana Dolarohana. These names are very popular in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. In most of the regions, Baala Sara is celebrated on 11th day of baby’s birth. But in some parts of Andhra, Baby naming ceremony is conducted on 21st day or 29th day of baby’s birth. The ceremony can be organised in either home or temple. This is the day when baby is made to take bath and cleaned from head to feet. Women gather in a place and go on singing traditional song. Baby is draped new traditional clothing on this day. The father of the baby whispers the probable name of the baby three times in ears. With the help of rice granules, the name is written on floors.

Baby naming ceremony in Marathi tradition

The baby naming ceremony in Marathi culture is known as Baarsaa. Here the ceremony is organised in 12th day of his birth. Or it can also be organised post 40 days of baby’s birth. Various rituals and ceremonies are conducted during this event of Naamkaran. Pandit is called to get an auspicious date and time for traditional baby naming ceremony. It is also known as ‘Subh Mahurat’. Here, Kundali is given a great importance while deciding the first letter of baby name. The position of stars and planets at the time of baby’s birth is an important element to decide.  You can now get a list of Marathi baby names from Indian Hindu Baby site.

As per Hindu traditions, Namkaran of baby is done followed by a puja or hawan at home or temple. You must be asking the priest to do the needful for Hindu naming ceremony. The prayers are offered to the fire god, Agni along with other gods. Even the spirits of forefathers of baby are worshipped so that the child is protected from all types of negative powers. The blessings from the forefathers are also regarded to be important here. In certain parts of India, traditional baby naming ceremony include placement of baby over the lap of father or a relative. Then the names of baby are whispered one after another on the baby’s ear. With the end of the Namkaran ceremony, all the invitees and relatives showers blessing to the new born baby along with the touch of sugar on the baby’s lip.

How do you celebrate in your traditional way?


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