Birthday Celebration – Ayushi

My Little kiddo turned one

I am writing this blog to share my happiness with the world. I am feeling so special on this day (dated – 15th June 2016) as my little princess turned one today. It’s a proud day for us; exactly one year back the god gifted us with our bundle of joy. Yes, I call it a gift as the journey to achieve this was not so easy.

In my initial phase of pregnancy my doctor said that the chance of miscarriage is very high due to some complication and I should not think of the baby much. It was a really tough time for my husband and me. I was in complete bed rest for the starting five month of my pregnancy. Passing those days was not easy, but as every hard phase has to end and it happened. After five month the doctor told us that the complication is now over and everything is fine now. Oh! I can’t explain how happy we were after listening it. I must confess that I am really lucky to have a wonderful and understanding husband who supported me in all my tough time.

The day came when our daughter ‘Aayushi’ was borne. She was immature baby and thus we named her ‘Aayushi’ meaning ‘long life’.
Now a new phase began in our life. Like every parents we also struggled completing our sleep. But gradually we were habituated of the sleepless night, baby cry, changing diapers etc.
In this one year we saw growing Aayushi and celebrated her ‘Chatti’, ‘Anaprasan’ and ‘Mundan’. Time flies  like anything, she started sitting on her own and crawling and walking with support.
Whenever she look at me my heart get full of joy and hope that my daughter get all the happiness in her life. God bless her!!!

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